The Basis

Purpose & Flow of document

At a very basic level, this document acts as a submission requirement for the course.

A public chain like Ethereum (with Proof of stake consensus still not fully operational ) will never be a right fit for any IoT-related applications.

We are incorporating “Documentation as Code”

Core systems, which form the foundations of all societies, are broken. We cannot mend them just by being one-dimensional in our approach.

We present a blockchain-based worldwide platform for urban self-reliance named Aliyda.

Truly empowering the communities, not just act like the tools for the rich, getting richer.

If one looks closer, there is no place for the poor in the blockchain ecosystem other than being a consumer. Their people who are at the bottom of the pyramid, with no funds for setting up expensive mining rigs, or for buying coins, or for participating in ICOs or security tokens, find the financial benefits skewed.

We are in no way questioning the benefits of technology or its applications.

We take a rather opinionated approach to the creation of an economy where real-world progress can be accounted for by the growth of the system.

If one can visualize the relationship between empowerment through self-reliance, it’s easy to achieve the transcendental goals of mankind.

It can only be achieved if we can connect the dots. Dots that join, domains like Renewable Microgrids with distributed Datacenters that offer services like Render Farms/CDN at the same time act as the hub for Sustainable Microgreens & Mushrooms farming hotspots.

There will be multiple kinds of tokens operating on multiple chains, primarily derived from Hyperledger (fabric & Indy), Polkadot & SLP.

First, we would offer time-locked security tokens for initial seed funding for each site. While these sites grow in number, which they intend to, as every city would want to become self-reliant, Aliyda would become a universal platform acting as a new melting pot for people who want to fund as individuals or collective (maybe a DAO), and people or communities which want to grow.

Second, we offer utility tokens to consumers of these services.

Open Items

We have analyzed various aspects and present a very high level proposal for value generation of the project. Still the following open-items are left unexplored primary due to time limitation or current maturity :

  • Safety and insurance of infra

  • Various optimization like super-Capacitors & fuel cells

  • Various Token lifecycles like ubiquitous utility token based fee-less, micro-payments

  • Covid-19 , carbon economy and impact US election results (Biden’s victory) are also untouched.

  • Transmission losses & other inherent facets like grid islanding, protection , etc;

  • There are too many algorithms , mostly theoretical and our current maturity level is not enough to evaluate anyone .

  • Detailed Profit & loss analysis ,Revenue lines, cost control mechanisms , in-depth risk analysis, cash flows and ROI are not explored in depth.

IP Disclaimer

  • This section formally recognizes the release of intellectual property rights, if any, from either team mates or GBC.The future of the project’s success, is riddled with so many extrinsic factors that, its safest to presume the path of opensourcing will be most desireable ,leading it to be beneficial if not in India then maybe somewhere else.

  • I also believe sharing the code and other assets openly is a valuable learning tool.We plan to do this after a minimal viable product is created. Most probably incorporating “2-clause BSD” license .